Thursday, January 6, 2011

Empty or full

So what do you write when you just can't think of anything grand??? Empty or full
How about this....
I swam today
I walked and I biked
I returned to Weight Watchers
I learned all about the new looks good.
I walked my bike to the bike shop, pumped up the tires and rode it back home.
I walked to physio and had a work out for one hour .
I visited Aunt May and put away her Christmas.
I walked back home and made a delicious dinner ( if i say so myself)
I talked to some special friends on the phone.
I worked really hard to track all of my food.
I watched Big Bang with Bill and now I`m watching Greys with Laura, Sarah and Stephen.
They made nachos and cheese.....I only had a few.
It`s been a great day...nothing grand but good. I feel motivated and on the way to some good things.


  1. sounds like a great day! my dad is on the new weight watchers and has lost 40lbs so far. He really likes his new way of eating. Good luck!
