Sunday, December 19, 2010
"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
And God blessed the seventh day and sanctifiedit: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made." Genesis 2:2-3
It's a beautiful wintery Sunday and I am grateful for this Sabbath Day. Our Sacrament service was so uplifting.....choir music and a talk by one of my favorite speakers....Kent Wentzell. The Spirit speaks through this man of God!! There were many out to church and it was wonderful to see everyone. Brandon taught a great Sunday School lesson, he has such a wealth of knowledge, and he speaks so well. Maryann taught our Relief Society lesson, about the Sabbath and it was again well done. I liked what one sister said about the Sabbbath being like a gas station...some of us come for a fill-up with high test gas.....others just come to keep it off empty....and miss the advantages of the fill-up ( to get us through the whole week) I think that I'm going to start carrying an extra gas can to help me through these crazy days.
I missed my family today. Michael's in Bridgewater ( and I'm happy to see him serving as he does and taking his family to church each week) Kathy is in Cole Harbour and serves the children of that ward of the church. ( they are very lucky, and I am again proud of how she chooses to raise her children) Karen and Laura are usually with me, but Karen was sick ( truly exhausted) and Laura had to work ( which she tries hard to avoid ...she too is weary from life) Bill chooses to use Sunday for his own outlets, and thus I was alone......missed them all.
I do appreciate the wisdom of the Sabbath....and our world has strayed so far from this Holy Day.
I am looking forward to an evening of music with our church choir. I count my blessings daily!!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
My short post is to say thanks Dad. Every time that we got our Christmas tree ( we got ours today) I remember waiting for Dad to put on the lights. Nothing else happened until those lights were on!! After 35 years, I still can't get Bill to carry on the father tradition so tonight I put the lights it's ready to be decorated. Thanks Daddy....I sure do miss you and Mom...more and more every day. I also remember waiting for Dad to get up on Christmas morning before we could open any presents.So many wonderful memories with my folks and family on Berlin St. A favorite is the snowy Christmas eve when Santa walked up our street. I still remember the look of fear on younger brother Glenn's face. He flew to bed.
Thinking of these things helps me appreciate even more our family traditions. Decorating the tree,( I do the lights)Christmas Eve at the live Nativity, family picture on the staircase, special Christmas breakfast-before gift opening,relaxing and enjoying chatter with family throughout the day, dinner at Kathy's, playing games, visiting at Nanny Logans, talking to family on the phone....and much more.
Happy December....and pray for no flat tires!!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Flat tires or a nice walk
Off go Bill and Laura, and I'm up calling the tire place and CAA. Within thirty minutes ( less I think) the CAA truck arrives and the nicest man inflates my tires, reassures me they weren't slashed ( did I mention they are brand new winter tires), and sends me on my way.
Now One could say this isn't a great start to the day...I did.....but two things happened to turn this around. First, while I waited for CAA and I munched on my shreddies....I read from the November 39....go read's Ensign.
That magazine rocks....and no matter what goes wrong in your day, week,month, year,even can help you!!! I was especially touched by the story of Frederick G. Williams.... I'm off to the tire place, pumped from my magazine article, and the pleasant CAA man.
I walk into the tire place ( a man's world for sure!!) and I am again treated by the most pleasant man. Even though he took my keys and wrote the details on a slip of paper ( he did everyone that way) and didn't even ask my name...I left my silver headache with him and headed out the door.
Now here's when the second thing happened. I was told it would take a few hours to have my car looked at, so I decided to walk home. As I walked a really special feeling entered my heart. I started to look carefully at everything as I walked the several blocks home. here's what
I saw....
.....people rushing off to work ( glad that I'm retired), blue sky peeking from behind grey clouds, funny signs on shop windows ( even noticed some misspelled words...awww I'm a teacher), pools of water on the ground ( no snow!!),
.....a large construction site....I stopped and watched the digger and noticed all the rock that our little city is built on...made me think of firm foundations
....walked by my physio place and felt really good that I was able to walk today without pain!!! thanks Mike ( my physio hero)
....saw Aunt May's house....treasure my relationship with her
.....street cleaners vacuuming soggy leaves making the city look nice
....past the Ardmore Park where my childhood memories called out....still can see my Elementary school in my mind...long corridors, special teachers....Mrs. Tattrie, Miss Blois, Miss and Mrs. Johnstone,Miss Berringer, Miss Harvie turned Mrs. Roblee, and sweet young Miss Wickwire who let us square dance...Rodney was my dream partner!!! Good friends....Elizabeth ( I actually saw her last Friday and she's a teacher), Colleen, Jill, Selena, Catherine, Dawn,Alan, Archie, Ralph, Bobby, Rodney...and more faces
....running down the hill to home on Berlin Street.
As I walked down the Street I saw parents dropping kiddies off at daycare/sitters and I thought about how lucky I was to have my Mom home with me when I was little. I'm grateful that Kathy has stayed home with her kiddies, and Keah is home with her girls!!! I regret that i wasn't home as much for my kids, although teaching did afford me many more days with them than most Moms. Grateful that I was a teacher, and grateful for good women in my life who helped raise my children.
.....past the Santilli's house where I can look through and see my old home....oh such sweet memories on Berlin St....but that's another post
Crossed Connaught Ave. and headed to my Street. So many more memories of a happy childhood and youth in this neighborhood.
Past the homes of many wonderful neighbors...the Quinlans, Carrolls, Bartiolaccis, Tullys, Browns, and a few whose names are having senior moments....around the corner.....did you ever notice the message painted by storm drains ( plain water only!!)
The world has some interesting things to see...and we so often don't take the time to look. Memories are important and so are lessons from the past.
My past reminds me of how blessed I have been and what's a few flat tires!!!
Have a wonderful blue sky day, and Laura thanks for helping me do the outside decorations....its always best to do it with someone you love!! Thanks for inspiring me to really does make me feel good.
Monday, December 6, 2010
4 Shows I watch
Amazing Race
Criminal Minds
Gray's Anademy
Big Bang Theory
4 Things I am passionate about
My Family
The Temple/Gospel
4 Phrases I say alot
Remember who you are
Love you
4 Things I have learned from the Past
Listen to your parents
Don't give up
Patience is a virtue
take time for others
4 Places I'd like to go to
4 Things I did yesterday
4 Things I am looking forward to
More Grandchildren
Watching my grandchildren grow
One more wedding
Being in the Temple with my whole family
4 Things that I love about Winter
Being inside by a roaring fireplace
Waking up to snow everywhere
Playing with the kidlings in the snow
Being followed by Spring
4 Things on my wish list
Love at home
Good books
Chicken bones
Painfree legs
4 People that I tag
Do four people even read my blog ????
That was fun...try it!!!
Today has been okay. I caught up on laundry, had a good swim ( except for the annoying man who swam down the middle of my lane, cooked soup and lasagna, finished the Hunger Games, started a quilt, worked on my smocking project, cuddled Emmy and Finley, enjoyed a nice supper cooked by Laura, watched some TV, and spent time on the computer!!
Glad that the day is over.....wish that I had the next book in this series to read!
Sweet car is acting up, so I just might get to sleep in tomorrow!!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
December 5th 1975
My original wedding plans , originally planned for Sept.1975 were drastically streamlined over the Sept.-Dec. period, and almost didnt happen. My father had been hospitalized with a series of infections that would keep in hospital until April 1976. We planned for October, then November, and with Dad's urging we set a Dec. date. Bill was thinking that it might never happen. We cancelled our reception, and gathered as an intimate group of family.
I finished teaching that day at noon, thanks to my fellow teachers who covered my classes for the afternoon. I got my hair done, visited with Dad, and then in the early evening hours was married in the home of my brother Eric. ( that's another story too) Bill and I were married in front of his fireplace and with a mirror in front of us I watched my mother silently cry as her youngest daughter was married without her daddy. Dad and I often joked later about the fact that he missed my birth too because he was ill...strange coincidence. My bridesmaid was my sister Dianne, and Bill Farmer was best man.
Following our wedding ceremony, and light refreshments Bill and I escaped for a honeymoon weekend in the Annapolis Valley....a light snow was falling. Unbeknownst to me my mother was crying because she knew that dad had some major surgery booked for the next morning, which might end his life. She made Bill promise not to tell me, for fear that I would postpone again. Part way through Saturday morning, Bill let the secret be known ( figuring that no one had called with bad news) We quickly packed and returned to Hfx. Dad had indeed pulled through, but would have have four more months of hospital before coming home.
So that's how my life with Bill began. ( Sorry for leaving out the honeymoon details!!) We have now been together for 35 years....some happy, some challenging, some exciting, some same old same!!! We have four wonderful children that bring us much joy, and seven delightful grandchildren ( so far)
As we reach this milestone it has not been without it's tests....many more than I've liked...but all ones that have been points of growth. It is on that note that I feel reflective tonight. Neither Bill or I are near perfect, and our differences have often put strain on our life together, but as marriage partners we made a commitment to each other. That commitement has brought work with it but for anything to progress it takes work and patience.
It hasn't always been easy, but it has been worth it. I am married to a good man. He loves me despite my differences, he has always supported our family, and he is someone that many can count on. He has many strengths that make him the special husband that he is.
Love you Bill, Happy Anniversary.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
December 4th
Today I worked at the Temple. It was the usual peace and calm of my week. I worked with some very dear friends, and I felt good while I was there. I left the building, and it was like a cloud fell over me. Oh, how depressing the world can be. Everybody rushes around, people get short with each other, and peace is so hard to find.
One bright thing tho' was my stop to visit with Aunt May. I have been so clearly blessed to serve her. When I went in her toasty warm house I called out for her. I am always afraid that she won't answer. ( She is 98 yrs. young) Today I found her in the kitchen, hands covered in dough making pork buns.( a Newfie treat) She had a bit too much dough for her small pan and so she sent me looking for a tiny pie plate. It took me a few looks before I found what she wanted and when I asked her where she got the cute little pie pan...she answered...I've had those for 100 years. I looked at her and're lieing to're only 98!!! You have to know that she'd never lie.....she's one of the most honest people that I know. We laughed and hugged together. Before I left she asked me to get her to the bank next week to get her affairs in order before she dies. That kind of hit me in a tender spot, and I've been thinking about how much I will miss her. She's a dear lady!!
Last thought before I move on....tomorrow is my 35th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary to me! Maybe I'll reflect more tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Be calm my soul
Today I have been touched, at several times, by some things that have made me feel very angry. Well, we all have those moments and this is how I am going to deal with it.
My happy thoughts......
1. I love having good chats with my children.
2. I love hearing 'I love you'
3. I love how sweet Cooper runs to me and hugs my knees.
4. I love the gentle hugs of Jacob and the giggles from Georgia.
5. I adore how grownup Sarah and Jessica are becoming...loved my sleepover with them this month.
6. I enjoy a good book...and my girls point me to many of them. To the Rescue (Tremendous), Safe Haven, JayHawk, The Peacegiver ( amazing read)
7. I love babies....and I have so many in my life.
8. I love the preciousness of Emmy and Finley......and the miracles that they are.
9. I love reading to Emmy and Finley, just to watch their faces.
10. I had fun with my sewing friends....even if my machine acted uptoday.
11. I have a passion for the swimming pool...even on my lazy is such a great escape for me.
12. Then there is the Temple....I do leave the world behind when I visit this Holy place. What a blessing...wish to be there with my children and husband.
13. I have the cutest physiotherapist...and he has made me feel so much better these days.
14. I love older people...they make me feel good ( and young) and they have so much wisdom. Aunt May, I love you....she makes me feel so good.
15. I am grateful for challenges....they make me stronger.
16. I love music.
17. I love that Michael kisses me and tells me that he loves me....lots!!
18. I love that Kathy is such a great shopper and she helps me so much. She is a very clever lady and a wonderful Mom.
19. Speaking of Kathy...did I mention that she has made me feel included with card making ( even if I am a bit slow) thanks.
20. I am excited for Karen and all of her teaching experiences..she is an amazing teacher...and I love how thoughtful she is to me. she's a great listener
21. Laura is such a strength to me at home. I love her blog, and her Mom and daughter chats...I want her to find happiness soon! She deserves it.
22. I have a good husband....even when he makes me crazy..we have been married 35 years this week...where did the time go!! Love you Bill
23. I have many special friends...I learn from them, I feel support from them...I am grateful.
24.I was born into a wonderful family and I'm grateful for their love and examples. I had the BEST parents. Miss you Mom and Dad. Appreciate your parents while you can!
25. I will be eternally grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it has blessed my life and made life make sense.
Now, I could go on and on....count YOUR them one by one....and you will feel better. I do.
Goodnight and I will return.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Look at that...not only did I post a photo...but I moved it where I wanted it....Hooray for me!!
I actually lost the first picture when I was editting....still haven't found it
Now they got me on this idea of blogging, but you know I always feel quite uninteresting....without much of a life....oh dear....need to erase....but on to my idea for today. Now girls remember that I have NO....I repeat NO favorites.....but Laura did inspire this blog goes.
My attempt at an ABC entry....
A....attached or single??
(not sure if I'm going to copy all of her headings)
Just look at them...aren't they grand and I'm soooooooo proud of each of them
and I have NO..I repeat NO favorites.....just favorite things about each of them ever-loving son....
always gives me the greatest hugs and kisses and tells me that he loves me
A great Dad and a strong priesthood holder
Kathryn.....the Mom that I wanted to home!!
so strong,patient, and so much fun to be amazing cook, creative, smart and young at heart
A great Mother. gentle daughter
Thoughtful , organized ( I want to be like her too!!!) and determined
An inspiring leader never a dull moment daughter!!
Inspiring, spiritual, kind and loving
A unique and powerful example
Ooops....did I side track??? My kids tend to do that to me.....and did I mention kids......they go on and on my friend,,,,,,look at these beauties.....the icing on the cake.....the best grand kidlings!!!!
Can hardly wait for more!!! is incomplete without
Love and kindness
I love to do things for others
M...Marriage date
Dec. 5.1975
N...Number of siblings
Five...3 brothers, 2 sisters and they're all pretty special
O...Oranges or Apples
probably oranges....I even like the peel
P .....phobias or fears
Caves or being underground ( I don't want to be buried)
Q...quote that I love
That's a tough so many
"Why do you do what you do when you know what you know"
R....Reason to smile
lots of reasons...sure looks better than frowning
while we just had an aazing summer...I do enjoy Fall best!
they help you wonder I have such weight issues!
U...Unknown fact
I liked Laura's response to this one
'If I told you it wouldn't be unknown' ( or something like that)
V...vegetable or meat
While I'm not a vegan...I am quite happy with a plate of veggies
W...worst habit
that could be a whole new post....lots of room for improvement
maybe it's my swearing!!!
X...things that X-cite me
completing a goal, riding my bike, sewing in a zipper correctly, a good book, surprises, doing something that I never thought I would parasailing in Hawaiii
Y...Your favorite food
what isn't there to fresh fruits and lets just stop there
who came up with those crazy things. least mine has a cool song about it
Ta...dah....I did it. I would have loved to have added more photos but hey I did add a few.
Hope you learn something new and you are inspired somehow!!!
Beyond the ABC's of life , I am remarkably blessed and I usually can't figure out what I did to deserve so many wonderful blessings.
I am grateful to have the Gospel in my life.It makes everything make sense!
Monday, October 25, 2010
This blog has been on my mind alot lately. I have seriously thought of deleting it...but just can't decide. Tonight I'm sitting in a hotel room in Bridgewater ( I'm here for work, or I'd be with Mike and Keah). It's very quiet, so I'm going to write about smiles. I often sign my name with the word 'smiles' in front of it. I feel like it might make the person receiving my mail, also makes me smile when I do it. When I was a teacher I often signed my name as Mrs. :) .....that was supposed to be a real happy face.
Okay...back to my are things that make me smile.....first the picture at the top of my blog....I LOVE MY FAMILY
Drat.....I'm having trouble with the photo here is what else makes me no special order....
* People being kind to each other.
* A good book.
* Playing with my grandkiddies.....and getting their hugs.
* Talking with my on one
* Quilting
* Piano music
* A good swim in the pool
* Being listened to.
* A nice warm fireplace
* A good talk at church
* Pure Testimony
* A good hair day...I'm a little fixated on my hair lately!! Go figure
* Riding by bike
* Sharing stickers with my church children
* Good food
* Hearing from far away friends
* Memories of my Mom and Dad
* Learning how to sew a zipper
* Parasailing in Hawaii
* Serving in the Temple
* Friends
* Snail Mail
* Reading other blogs....especially my daughters
* Snorkling
* Respect
* Feeling love
* Compliments
* Laughter
* Beatle music in the car
* Girl's night
* Feeling good
* Sunshine and rainy days
* and I know there is lots more
I love taking pictures tooooooo...just wish that I could post them...I'll try again...
Didn't work!! Not smiling. I'm going to post this...then try one more thing.
That's all folks.....smiles....Jackie
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Time to chat
(which it does) but it also left me missing Mike, Keah and their precious little daughters. I knew this would happen (being sad) cause I love them so much....don't read the next part Laura...cause I don't know what I'll do when you're all married and away.!!!!
There...I've said it...but you know what... it's not helping. Perhaps the trick is to just keep writing. I'm a bit frustrated because I tried to start this with a photo and it wouldn't upload properly...figures!!!! I'm still not too sure about this blogging anyway. I do love to read them but I usually feel that I'm not very interesting, and I still can't get the handle on making changes to the page, and even doing photos now!!!
Great....Bill just came in soooo I'll wipe my tears and write on. How has my life been...I really don't know where to start...I will admit that my main focus for the past four months has been Michael, Keah and the girls. Why wouldn't it be? I also know that some people probably thought that it all consumed me, which maybe it did...but I did what I did because I'm a mother and a grandmother...not perfect at either...but none the less this they led me to be available 24-7 if needed, and I'd do it again tomorrow if I had to! It was an often difficult time...for sure a roller coaster ride as we were warned it would be...but I've always tried to go on any rides that my kids went on. It meant that I may have upset others when I wasn't at home or available...but I think my family and friends all still love me. I do worry a lot about upsetting people and I try so hard to make sure that everyone is okay...but that's easier said than done.
Through these past four months+ I have learned several very extremely valuable things. Miracles do occur, prayers are heard and answered, and I have many wonderful people in my life!!! Watching sweet Finley and darling Emmy grow from their very tiny beginnings to the precious babies that they now are has been something I find very hard to describe. I've witnessed first hand the powers of the priesthood, and the marvels of medicine working together. The people who work at the IWK Health Center are like no other...I could start a long thank you list here, but they don't even read my blog...they'd know who they are if they did read it!!
I also have to say something about Michael and Keah. I have seen them begin parenthood like no one should have to. Keah has been a fighting momma since the moment that those babies arrived!!! Even though I was privileged to go into surgery with her on March 12 ( praying that Mike would make it here safely and in time for the birth) was a birth that began the long line of miracles to follow. I saw those dear babies first, and it is a beautiful imagine that I will never forget. How grateful I was to feel, as I watched so many hands work with these tiny bodies,that angels were there too. From that moment on I saw Keah grow to be a woman ready to protect and defend her girls no matter who was in her way. She learned all that she could, and asked so many good questions of the doctors and nurses. She rarely was away from the girls, and everyone grew to love her ,as I do! That is not to say that she didn't have her moments of fear, and helplessness...and that was so hard to see her have to pass through. Keah, if you ever read this, I hope that you will know that I do respect you for being the mother that you've become so quickly. I know that I didn't always make it easy, but anything that I did was purely out of love. No more needs to be said. Michael, today is probably the first time that I really understand what you must have felt like having to return to Bwater every Sunday and go for days without your wife and girls. This is my first day and WOW...let's just say...I'm feeling it son!! Kudos to you for getting through those school months. I miss you folks!!!!! I also learned how much you loved me ( not that I didn't already know that you loved me) but you and I had a few tough conversations and I always felt your love and respect!! You make me so proud...I love how much you love and respect your wife. She is so blessed to have you. I also appreciate how you have called on the Lord through your Priesthood.
I'm probably getting too personal...but I am one very proud mother and grandmother. Our family has been so blessed with these two adorable little girls. I have been so privileged to have been so close by and to have shared this time with all of you.
Now to my daughters....I just want to say thanks for being understanding, patient and supportive through these challenging days. Thanks for listening to me, for visiting at the hospital, for distracting me, for just being the special girls that you each are. A mother couldn't be more proud of her children than I have.
So folks, I do feel a little better. I wish that I could post a couple of special pictures....whatever.
I have done other things since March. I was called to serve in the Stake RS Presidency and that has certainly been interesting. I've enjoyed working with Trish, Nila and Debbie. I love visiting with other sisters in wards and branches here in NS, and working on our Woman's day in June was amazing. I was in charge of the Service project which we did for the IWK and it far surpassed anything that I could imagine....with 100+ sisters we made over 230 blankets, finger puppets, and cards
( for R.McDonald House) in hour hour. The rest of the day was also so uplifting, and really amazing. Prayers were heard once again..and it was a great success.
I've also continued to work with three special seniors in my life..and that always sharpens my perspectives of where I'm at..and where I'm headed. I don't want to write about that!!!
Saturdays continue to be one of my favorite days of the week. I LOVE being a Temple worker.....I work at the best place on earth, with the best boss and coworkers. I always come home feeling so valued, and loved. The peace in the Temple kind of picks me up and puts me right back on track. I only wish that more people could feel like I do...not mentioning any names here!!!
So maybe I should stop now for a while. When I sit tooo long my chubby feet get chubbier...and my old legs start to ache. I've put weight back on and I hate it...but I'm not dealing too well with it. I'm also letting my hair grow and so far so good ( I think) I got a new bicycle and except for the nasty motorist who made me crash last week...I love it. I haven't said much about my adorable first five kidlings....and well I love my may adventure stories....giggles...they are adorable, growing too quickly, entertaining, loving, funny, my best friends,absolutely precious and such a HUGE blessing in my life. Kathy you and Jeff are doing a great job!!! Love you all!! I've only alluded to Laura's future..I WILL HANDLE this too...I'm missing her lots right now....but thank goodness for email, telephones, skype, and airmiles!!!
I am a very blessed woman. I have the best family, and such a full life. I have the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with such precious knowledge...I want to shout from the housetops.
Good night for now....I'll keep trying the photo thing. Thanks to all of you friend and family bloggers....keep writing!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Giggle giggle giggle
I've come to realize something else today. I always wondered how come Kathy was on the computer so early in the day when she has a thousand things to do. Simple....her computer is in her laundry room/office ( and a beautiful room at that...wish my room was as nice!!!) I'm on my laundry break.
Last thought for this morning....tomorrow Karen and Brandon graduate from the Mount. I want them both to know that I'm very proud of them and all of the hard work that they have done to reach this point. They both have many talents that will make them SUPER teachers!! Looking forward to their big day!!!!!
Last last thought...I miss seeing our Emmy and Finley...I can't imagine how Michael makes it through the week. It is exciting to get news about them everyday....We are so blessed to have these precious little girls.
Love and Peace
Back to break is over.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
WOW it's Wednesday
This morning went well. I didn't rush anybody and when all of a sudden it was 8:12 the girls went in panic mode...and rushed ol' Jacob. We made it to school in plenty of time. Georgia enjoys the playground time and Cooper gets such sweet attention from all of the kiddies and that wonderful morning fresh air. Back home we started the kitchen cleanup and Cooper had some playtime with Georgia. I have to say I wasn't feeling overly motived to any particular it turned into a more relaxing morning. Cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed, sorted clothes, read stories to Georgia, knitted while watching Treehouse....and then all of a sudden it was lunch time.
I went with a breakfast/bacon and egg lunch and the kiddies enjoyed it. They also have a great love for pear halves and we had a great lunch and chat time....they were almost late again at lunch...time flying again. Georgia and I didn't opt for a playground run at noon but stayed put and puttered until Jake and Sarah returned. Then we organized to head off to piano once Jessica was dismissed. Following piano, and some great outdoor time in Caroline's backyard we headed to Hfx. for pizza with Pop. I had a RS meeting so Pop came over to do bedtime. I returned home to all in bed....and once again another day has flown away.
Sorry that I can't add pictures yet....I don't know how to download to this computer.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Report from the front line
I didn't really plan it but once Cooper went down for a nap I hit Jess and Sarah's room. I was really in an organizing mood and Georgia played along with me and we had a very productive morning. After lunch and a visit with Poppy we hit the road, and of course the playground. Once all of the kiddies were dismissed we headed home, had a surprise visit from my sweet sister Julie ( she came to give me a break...even tho' she had been working all day herself!!! what a girl) All of a sudden I realized that the girls' brownie activity was sooner than I thought. I ran into overdrive....heated a nice baked bean dinner that Charlotte had brought over and tried to get every one moving. It was like five new kids arrived and no one would cooperate. It had nothing to do with the menu, as they all loved the delicious beans...they just wouldn't stop talk talking and carrying-on......I threatened to cancel the brownie outing to Build -a-Bear and even that didn't seem to work....I know I should have started to pray!! With some patience which must have come from on high...we made it through it and into the van. Jake and georgia had a fun visit with Nanny Logan ( Gr.Grandma and energy bunny!!) and I headed to the mall with the brownies and Cooper. Dropping of the girls, I had a whole hour to myself, with Cooper. He decided to try to lay sideways in the stroller and no matter what I did he'd laugh and reposition himself....what a character..I then returned to BAB and the girls were glowing with excitement. Not only did they have their new creations...a bear and a frog...but they received an additional $5.00 gift card each for selling the most brownie cookies. With a dip in Nanny's purse they of course bought two cute little dresses and we headed home. After a quick stop to get J and G, and some swings on Nanny's swing set we made it home. Bedtime snack, and scripture time then up to bed. But then the phone rang and it was Kathy wanting to skype the kiddies.........did that settle them for the night?? They were cute. After signing off Miss G. started to cry because she hadn't said good bye to Mommy.....thank goodness that I'm so computer quick!!! hahha...but I did actually get her and all ended well. I was going to colapse and watch some TV...but the computer called, and I'm also challenged by the Tv set there you have it...does my cup better believe it. I missed seeing Emmy and Finley today.
and so the sun sets on another day away from home.
Monday, May 17, 2010
What a joke
I know that I will say this many times....but motherhood is a full time job, with way too much overtime. My hats off to you ladies. Your kiddies are so lucky to have you. Keep up the great work...hold to the rod...and keep your priorities right. Got to run and have lunch ready.
Love my fabulous grandchildren and especially love my own fabulous four!!!!! So proud of each of you!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Grandma'sTen Day adventure
Then I headed to the Nelsons, and after a teary good bye ( Kathy crying) the party began. We all sat down in the living room and chatted about what each of the kiddies want to do while Nanny was here.....playground, visit to Dalplex, maybe a Hfx sleepover, and then sweet Georgia says...are you going to be my pretend Mom!!!! I love her. I said 'no' I'm your Nanny but I can be your pretend Mom too!!!
After a fun taco dinner, and kitchen cleanup we headed to the playground. I stayed as long as I could push swings, then we headed home. We had a dog encounter on the way down the hill and anyone who knows Jessica and Sarah know that that wasn't pretty!!! After I got the owner to take his dog in, we made it home. Then we had scripture story and learn a verse time. Next on the list...clean bedrooms...that will be an ongoing tale for the week...but boy do these guys love to vaccum!!! I had to find extra places for everyone to get a turn. The two little ones had a bath, and then after a bedtime bagel , and family prayer that part of my day ended. Kathy called to check in and all sounds well with them!!!
I'm really glad that she gets this break and I hope that it is everything that she needs. She's a terrific Mom and she has the greatest kids. I will be taking photos each day...and they will follow later.
Writing this reminds me of what a very lucky Mom I am. It is so rewarding to see your own children as parents....and to have the joy of grandchildren. Stay tuned and I'll hopefully share again tomorrow. Better head to bed soon....I know tomorrow will be fun!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
It's another day...hoooray!!
I came home and got some laundry going, garbage out, tidy the laundry room, cleaned another bathroom and then made a TO DO LIST...I know that was a bit backward!! It felt good to check off a few things right away !! Keah and I then headed to the NICU, and visted with the girls for awhile. Both got great reports, and they were anxiously awaiting a visit from the opthomology people. I couldn't imagine checking those wee little eyes. The nurse put drops in their eyes and when she described how they clamp open their eyes...Keah said time to head home for a pump and lunch!! Both girls were all done when we returned after lunch and they were no worse for the ordeal....and the report was good!
I had meetings today for Relief Society so I left the hospital early. I also have my cousin Donna in town and I wanted to have a visit with her. Visit and meeting over, I headed back to the hospital to collect Keah. After supper, and another pump...Bill took Keah back to tuck the girls in and have their prayers with their Momma...I stayed home and baked ginger cookies.
So that was today and I'm quite ready to head to bed early.
My final thought...God hears prayers..I know it and I see it daily in my life...and I am so grateful for this.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I Really should go to bed

Hello to anyone who may read this. I'm not in the most positive mood as I write, it's after midnight and I really should be in bed. ( I'm actually sitting on it) I came up to go to bed and stopped to check in the computer world of friends. I read some email then turned to blogs. What an interesting pasttime for many of you. I enjoy reading them and I do try to comment, but I'm not always the best at that one.
I shut off the computer and came to my room. I had laundry to fold which I just couldn't leave for tomorrow. After doing that I went into my bathroom and I could hear Karen saying 'Mom...this room needs some help' ( or something to that effect. You see I don't keep a very organized,tidy house....and I know it and I hate being so.I think if I lived alone my home would look very different. The problem though is that I dont live alone. What I need to learn is how others have such organized homes when they live with other people. Karen, the bathroom is clean ( or the best that I could do) By the way..this isn't a post because of you actually were a bright part of my day!!!!
I told you that I'm not in a great mood. I hear you....'Go to bed'...but I'm having one of the times when I feel like I really fall short. I always seem to be playing catchup....I never can get everything done and have time left over. I'm also feeling like I really don't make a difference where I really want to. This may really surprise a few people but I feel somewhat of a failure in my own home and that frustrates me to no end. It's like blogging...I can do the simple parts of it but beyond that I fall short. I have a camera that can take great pictures..if I could understand it better. My list goes on forever. In my home...I've raised four wonderful children....but when I think about how I raised them...I fall's amazing that they turned out as they did. I sometimes wish that I was the mother that they came to for advice. Usually if I try to give advice, they end up telling me how to do things better.
You know, I know that I'm a very blessed person. I have a huge list of gratefulness.I just don't like myself alot... here it comes....I don't like how I look, the way I dress, my household habits, my so so cooking skills, my mediocre sewing skills,my lack of willpower, my not so hot relationship skills, my ability to never get things finished, my many regrets...and on and on..
I am not suicidal, but I do have moments like this.I am overwhelmed and I think that it helps to get it off your chest. A good friend told me once that she fakes it until she makes it...I've got faking downpat!!
It's now 1 am and I have created another regret...I'll hate myself in the morning and I'll be tired all day. I just read a post from my baby Laura and wow she sounds so very happy. Thanks Laura... a mom always wants her children to be happy. I hope that Jeremy realizes that and that I expect him to always try to help you be happy.She loves him so deeply.
So do I post this miserable post...I don't want to depress others, but maybe you're having a bad one...maybe you're frustrated... well get over it...I have to..and I will. My house ( and garden...did I mention that!!!) may not get much better ( but my bathroom is !!!!) and I will not change overnight, or maybe never...but that's life and you can wallow in the ruts along the road or you can just find a better way!!
I do want to tell you that I do have some positive blood in my veins...I am positive that I will regret staying up so late, but I am also positive that I have the right answers to handle nights like tonight. I count my many blessings ( yes name them one by one) and I DO acknowledge what the Lord has done. I am positively, undeniably grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the great hope that it gives me when my emotions are low. I am also deeply grateful to be a mother, no matter how short I am...watching my children become parents, and consequently becoming a grandmother has been the greatest joy. Watching my children choose to marry in the Temple of the Lord for time and all Eternity lifts me and amkes my simple life so much more meaningful.
I hope that you read to the end of my post. My pity party is over...I'm going to bed. Tomorrow ( guess this is that tomorrow) will be another opportunity to grow, to learn, to improve, and to be the best that I can be. Maybe I'll clean another bathroom.....probably not...I have two new grandbabies to go and adore!!!
One last note...the picture is not supposed to be at the beginning of my post...I just couldn't figure out how to put it where I wanted it...but its a favorite picture....and full of my many blessings..and we add Emmy and Finley to them!!! Good night.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
March Reflections
What I do want to record is how amazing these little ones are. Despite their tiny size ( 1lb5 and 1lb 4) they are perfectly beautiful little girls....they just have to finish growing on the inside!!! They are now 2weeks old and discovering how much growing there is to still do. I love sitting beside them,watching them, and singing to them. It has been very scary as Emmy has faced many tough days. The nurses said one day that Finley read the NICU manual, and didn't share it with Emmy. Dear Emmy has been such a little fighter though and we're grateful that for today all is stable. Last night our nurse Keltie allowed Mike and Keah to hold Finley...outside of the incubator ( tubes attached) talk about a special night after a very very tough day!!
I'm a wee bit tired tonight but I did want to record a few thoughts...and to also state that I have been deeply touched by so many who have joined us in prayer, and fasting for these two little sweethearts. So many many people have sent words of hope and encouragement, or called and you will never know how much this has meant to us all!!! Yesterday I came home to my sister Julie and her hubby Bill working magic in my, laundry, scrubbing, shining, and cooking. I can never thank her enough for being the dear sister that she is. The meal went with us to the IWK and was deeply enjoyed!!
Summary.....I am one very blessed lady....and I do believe in miracles. God does hear our prayers and He sends many to be my strength.
I'll write again soon!!! Thanks
Whoops not finished....I love birthdays and WOW my two precious grandsons had their big days. Cooper is the big ONE...we had a fun family gathering for him...oh how I love family times. Today we celebrated with Legoman Jacob.....still my gentle little giant!!! He is just the sweetest six year old that you would want to meet. Another family gathering with of course cake and ice cream. I am so thankful for the wonderful family that I came from and that I have created....and all the extras that come through so many super relatives. Hooray, FAMILIES ARE FOREVER.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Speaking of Relief Society...I have always had a testimony of this great organization. So I'm excited to serve with Sisters Fox and Ipson. As women we all have very full lives in one way or another, no matter what our age and circumstances. Your sisters in Relief Society are just that...your SISTERS....and they can be such a strength to each of you; as a teacher, leader, example, visiting teacher, compassionate service , and a friend. I won't ramble on because I need something for my new blog...but take a minute and appreciate that you are a member of the greatest woman's organization in the world!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
My Hairy Adventure
As I near the final year of this latest decade of my life, I grow more and more reflective on life and aging. Well that lead to my hairy adventure of today. I've been experiencing the beginning stages of gray hair. ( Actually I learned that it is really white hair; no such thing as gray) I've been feeling a need for a new hair look and had started to grow it a bit longer. A few weeks ago I struck up a conversation with a swimming friend, who I learned was a hair dresser by profession. She always has great looking hair. We were discussing my locks and she said ' I have just the thing for you. She works for a hair company called Matrix and they were coming to town to put on a show called 'Dream Age' for local hair stylists. They needed models and would I be interested. It was scheduled for the day before my I thought why here are some photos with explanations...


This is my new color before the cut.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Quiet Reflections
Back life hasn't anything too exciting to share....but it has been good. I'm back trying to shed those few pounds that keep returning and I'm trying to improve my daily exercise routine. I'm up to 90 min in the pool most days, and I've got hooked on pool running. I am also trying to sew more, mostly quilts and I am doing more reading and my family genealogy. In between all of those things, I do like to help people. I'm not going to write about this because I don't do it for recognition,but I have to say that when I'm serving it family or friends my life is deeply blessed. I do enjoy some quiet times and lately I have tried to make sure that I make time for this. I try to spend more time at the Temple because there I find the sweetest peace ever. there is a subject to reflect on. Actually it's very amazing all that we have and how quickly it changes...I feel like I just got under the wire with some of this stuff and with others it just plain overwhelms this old brain. Then there are the young ones who simply feel that it's as natural as brushing their teeth. It totally puts me in awe of the whole phenomena. What will it be like in another 10 years? I do love many of the things that it does for us. As a kid and even now I've always been so fascinated with how things get how do people create such amazing tools and technology for us. I always wanted to invent something.
By the way the kiddies are all asleep. Georgia was last.....she came down one last time to complain about Jacob's breathing...she said his noise was keeping her awake. She's so darned cute!!!! Kathy and Jeff should be along soon so I'll close for now. Before I do I'll ask one question.....anyone got any book recommendations?? Always looking for the next good read!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Once upon a time
Now back to genealogy...hats off to the church leaders who have given us so many wonderful ways to do genealogy. The New Family Search program is very user friendly, and I'm loving exploring it.Long ago when my Dad was still around, I collected a lot of data for my side of the family and thanks to my sister Julie ( really she did all of the Temple organizing!!!) we have lots done. However...on the O'Hearon side we have been slack...Bill being the perfectionist that he is thinks that you practically need their dental records to send it to the Temple but this week we actually got some of his family names to the Temple. It was so exciting to do this. I have to tell you non-genealogists the Spirit of Elijah is alive and well at the Temple. Talk about a spiritual rush!!!
Now, I writing this because I think you younger generation need to know that this is not just for we old folks to do!!! NO NO NO....a few months back at one of our Temple meetings, Pres. Blake shared some info from the teachings of the prophet ( I forget which one) where we are told that genealogy needs to be done by ALL members of the family. That all family members should know their ancestry and participate in family history as much as possible. As a mom I'm not too sure how to get that happening better in my family. Think about it folks...what do you know about those who you will be with for eternity??
I really miss having my folks around to talk about my deceased relatives. Dad and I had some great yarns about the old days when we did this. I treasure those memories with him, and Mom too!! So if anything I want to encourage my kids, and the rest of you to take the time....better still make the time to know your family history. ( while the 'older' relatives can help you)
There are many many people waiting for you to do the work. Check out New Family Search...come to the Temple, and catch the Spirit of can't make it without them!!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Now my PEEK will not have pictures because they don't allow cameras in this special part of my life. I tried once and got told!!! My PEEK is at the pool. I go to Dalplex pool every morning from Mon to Fri.. I have been going there for about five years. I could almost call it an addiction.
I'm sharing this as my PEEK because of my swim today. Here's why I love it so much. Today I headed down at 8:15am ( times vary) After some work in the Cybex room ( a new thing for me), I headed to the pool. I loooove the deep end, and after gathering up some equipment I dove in. My routine is usually like this....10 min. of breast stoke, 10 minutes with my body buoy ( works on the arm muscles), then 10 minutes with the flutter board ( works the legs) then the front crawl for 10....I slip in some on the back stuff but I'm not too good with this. Then I do about 20 min. of water latest passion in the pool. Now I do vary this....and for fun I bring my snorkel set for when I'm doing the crawl ( cuts out the head turn to breathe)
Today was a snorkel day....and I think I ended up snorkeling for over 20 min. As I snorkel I let my imagination go and I swim pass the giant turtles of Turtle Bay in Maui, or I see the coral and multitudes of fish from Hanama Bay. Those are dear memories of mine, and when it's -11 outside it's nice to remember that trip.
Now another part of my pool adventure is the fun friends that I've made there. There's Barney* not his real name.....but he's there on Tues and Thurs and he always chats about all that is happening at the pool. He likes his own lane, and gets annoyed if anyone comes to his territory....he's a tiny guy ( used to be a runner) but we say he runs things! Then there's Martha*, who wont swim if anyone is in her lane ( she'll wait ) and Betty* who buses all the way in from Bedford to run in the pool. My friend, ML has been swimming there every day...long before I started. If I swim with her she likes to the swim isn't quite as rigorous....I end up staying longer. We chat about recipes, movies and books. She comes at 6am for 30 I don't see her as often. There are many other characters but I won't ramble on with individual bios. Today though as I swam I thought of each of them from the Olympic Silver medalist who now coaches and plays the best music, to the Neuo.surgeon who loves Halloween decorations big time and likes to run with me on Wed..Once again it made me value the importance of friends in all circles of my life. I like to be friendly, and I have made some incredible friends along the way. I've even become a better swimmer because of it.
Lastly, I must say...swimming is a great exercise and such a peaceful time in my day. I'm deep in the depths of the pool....I've even swam to the bottom of the deep end....and it is a great place to meditate ( not on the bottom!), and think through the rest of the day. I do some of my best thinking there!!! I've even prayed in the pool. Having 60-90 min. down under really gives you some time for gaining perspective and with my crazy days, I need time for perspective. It's also so refreshing, and the hot shower after all is swam and done is fantastic. Give it a try sometime!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
What's on my mind
Back to the earlier blogs. I was PEEKING into lives through the eyes of the far north. This lead me to making a phone call to my amazing friend Tami. We had a lovely long chat and this brought back many special memories of having her family here in NS. I want all of the wonderful families who have come to NS in the past, or who are here now to know that I love meeting you all, and I deeply appreciate having you be a part of my church family. I know that it can't be easy to come this far, and to be especially away from family.Your friendships and service have enriched my life.
Today I had a fun group of ladies over to my house. This is a group of Grandmother sisters in the ward. We gather once a month to socialize and spiritually uplift each other. Many of these sisters have been friends for a long time. I have learned so much things from these ladies..... mothering tips,cooking new recipes, sewing, scriptural understanding and so much more. I am very grateful for their examples, and even more their friendships and unconditional love. We all need these kind of people in our lives . I hope that I can be good friends to many, and that my children have the same quality of friends that I have found in my life.
It's a funny thing how this blog makes me want to reflect so much on my life, and consequently that of my family. God knew what he was doing when he made Family....and it was good.
Okay no more reflecting. I am going to tell you about something that I've done for myself lately.Now generally mothers aren't good at doing something for themselves, but this wise old lady has learned that if you don't no one else will ( generally) Anyway, I have started to enjoy having massages. I found them awkward at first ( being such a shy person!!!) but really they are amazing. To help make it even more comfortable, I have a sister that I VT who works at a spa. She gives the best massages and I leave there feeling like a million bucks. Last week I signed on for a facial, my first ever and it was divine. I had a facial waxing and I kind of floated out of there. I booked my next session for my Feb. birthday and I may go for a manicure with this one!! I don't quite know how I made it to my senior fifties without hardly ever using makeup etc. ( mind you a do react to many of these things.) Now don't worry I'm not having a midlife moment...but folks you have to feel good sometimes and a massage is a great place to start!!
I often feel like I ramble too much when I blog. I'm going to close shortly and head to the phone to wish a dear friend Happy Birthday. As I close I want to say that next to my precious family, I value my friendships a great deal. Thank you to all who have taken the time to get to know me, to be a comfort and a true friend. We really are never alone...but then again you know that!!