Sunday, December 19, 2010


From the Book of Genesis we read:
"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
And God blessed the seventh day and sanctifiedit: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made." Genesis 2:2-3

It's a beautiful wintery Sunday and I am grateful for this Sabbath Day. Our Sacrament service was so uplifting.....choir music and a talk by one of my favorite speakers....Kent Wentzell. The Spirit speaks through this man of God!! There were many out to church and it was wonderful to see everyone. Brandon taught a great Sunday School lesson, he has such a wealth of knowledge, and he speaks so well. Maryann taught our Relief Society lesson, about the Sabbath and it was again well done. I liked what one sister said about the Sabbbath being like a gas station...some of us come for a fill-up with high test gas.....others just come to keep it off empty....and miss the advantages of the fill-up ( to get us through the whole week) I think that I'm going to start carrying an extra gas can to help me through these crazy days.

I missed my family today. Michael's in Bridgewater ( and I'm happy to see him serving as he does and taking his family to church each week) Kathy is in Cole Harbour and serves the children of that ward of the church. ( they are very lucky, and I am again proud of how she chooses to raise her children) Karen and Laura are usually with me, but Karen was sick ( truly exhausted) and Laura had to work ( which she tries hard to avoid ...she too is weary from life) Bill chooses to use Sunday for his own outlets, and thus I was alone......missed them all.

I do appreciate the wisdom of the Sabbath....and our world has strayed so far from this Holy Day.

I am looking forward to an evening of music with our church choir. I count my blessings daily!!!

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