Wednesday, October 16, 2013

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet

Can it get any better???? Saturday was fabulous...Sunday was amazing. Laura, Jeremy and I headed off early for the 10am session. They dropped me off and I grabbed us some good seats, enjoyed Music and the Spoken Word, and simply soaked in the warm spirit. The talks were so inspiring, the music uplifting...this has been just what I needed. Following the first session, and a photo time on Temple square....I separated from Laura and Jeremy.  Therese and Melissa had an extra ticket which they gave me. I saved them seats and together we enjoyed the final I love to hear these great leaders speak, especially our dear prophet, Pres.Monson. There were so many great talks, but I have to say Jeffrey R Holland spoke to my soul.
Following Conference we visited with Scott and Janet Muhn and then Therese dropped me at my niece Saras' home. We had a restful evening, Laura and Jeremy joining us after a fun-filled family gathering.
I'm glad that they had those visits with so many of Jeremy's family.






Therese, Melissa, and the Muhns

Welcome to the Mangram Home...pure entertainment

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