It's a blue sky sunny day with a few fluffy clouds in sight. I' m at home alone and the quiet is peaceful. I was out earlier visiting with some ladies from church.
Our church has a program for the women called visiting teaching. We are assigned another lady to be our companion, and then several ladies to visit or contact each month. Each month we bring them a message as directed by our church leadership. The Prophet Joseph Smith organized our ladies group, known as Relief Society in 1842. He said that the women were not only to look after the poor but also to save souls.This is still our purpose.
When we visit with our sisters we are checking on their physical and spiritual needs. We become close to these ladies, and while it might sometimes just feel like a social is really more than that.
As someone who is visited, I look forward to discussing the message with my Visiting Teachers.. Beyond that I feel like I have two special angels watching out for me. They grow closer to me with each visit. Our assignments do change, and so I have many sisters who are my angels forever. I'm not sure that I'm explaining this very well.
As one who visits I almost always come away feeling that I have gained so much from each visit. I love the discussions that we have, I like being able to serve others, and there is always a sweet spirit when I am out making these visits.
Not everyone looks at Visiting Teaching this way, and I think that that might be because of the attitude that they bring to the activity.....they see it as just another thing that they are called to do and they just don't have the time. That's kind of sad because when you have that attitude you do miss out on the sweet spirit and the friendships that are there. It is also a way that we look after our church family, and assist our ward leadership in their stewardship over our members.
I feel like maybe I've rambled here today. However I love being a visiting teacher, and I know that I have been greatly blessed in serving. I have the best companion assigned to me...sweet Joan... and we have been together for over 14 years. She is 86 or 87 years old, and she is so dedicated to this program. She often says with age that she doesn't feel that she offers much to our efforts. However, that is so wrong because she is a spiritual giant to me. ( I tell her this often) She is always prepared, adds an interesting view to every message, and is very insightful to the needs of our sisters. I love my sister Joan !!
The Lord loves us, and this is just another way that he tells me. He is so aware of our lives, and he often answers our prayers through others. My visiting teachers are wonderful. Monica and Jennifer bring a richness to my home, and they strengthen me in my daily struggles to live the way that I should. Thanks ladies, I love you both.
Guess I'll get back to my Friday. I have a wee bit of work to do on Emmy's quilt but for the most part all is done. I tidied up my craft room last night so I might work on some cards later today. I have a doctors appointment and I need to drop by the mall. Tomorrow is my day at the Temple so I'll want to get a good sleep tonight. Bill and I head off to Florida in four days so I will need to do some prep. for that.
I am a happy lady today...many blessings abound. My trials haven't left, but I feel energized with the right attitude because of my visit teaching, and simply put....the great Plan of Happiness.
I will also say the new January Ensign arrived...and it is indeed inspiring.
I have always loved the visiting teaching program at our church... I have adored the many sisters I have visit over the years... each one teaching me different things.:)