Wednesday, June 1, 2011

So much happening...and no time to write...sooooo

Wednesday, June 1, 2011So we had a party.. this is me coping from Laura's blog.....adding just a few of my favorite photos from it.....check out her site for better coverage....

A farewell/graduation party to be exact! First off, I'll say sorry to whoever didn't get the invite. I wanted to invite every person I know but both my mother and our house said it would be best to draw some limits. I also didn't realize how many people don't have facebook that I should have invited.. anyway, sorry, you missed a great time. So many friends and family filled our home last night. There was so much delicious food (thanks to Dad for buying it and my mother/Kathy for preparing it. It was phenomenal). I am done baking cupcakes for awhile. We made around 80 for the party. Our oven also decided to blow last night, sparks and all. It was quite the show. We are fortunate to have good neighbors who let us use their oven. Kathy and Mom sure did get their workout running back and forth with the food. It made for a perfect night!

About a week ago, my lovely Alyssa sent me home some treats from YSA conference. She sent home moustaches and they were loved to bits and pieces last night. There is just something about a moustache on a stick that makes my heart happy. I appreciated her for thinking of me and for everyone there who supported me in my madness. I truly know it was through love and support that I have made it to this point of my life. I admit, moving is overwhelming but I know it's what I need to do. I just need to take that leap of faith and the rest will fall into place. I know I will have family and friends in Calgary to provide me with the same kind of love and support and I look forward to discovering that.

Thank you again to everyone who came out to my party. It was so great to see people, some whom I haven't seen for years. I felt like it was a reunion with so many wonderful people and I was touched that people took time out of their schedules to come bid me farewell. Ahhh, I still feel overwhelmed. I am also still overwhelmed by the love and sacrifice Jeremy showed towards me this week. Let me tell you, he was so amazingly sweet to me. I know we have had some rough patches in the past year but wow. He was something else to me this week. I don't know what I did to deserve such greatness from one of my bestest friends. It was so great to have him here.

Not to sound like a broken record but I want to say thank you to my sister Kathy one more time. All my siblings are amazing people but Kathy outdid herself last night. She shines in the kitchen and it was thanks to her that bellies were happy last night. Thank you to everyone else who contributed food as well. It was appreciated mucho!

The party lasted 5 hours and a great 5 hours they were. I spent the remainder of my day with Jeremy as he left bright and early today. Bummer! The tears began in the car ride to the airport and I can guarantee there will be many more today. ( For sure...adds Momma) I've got packing to finish, people to see and places to go. =)

I do plan to get back to the blog world....just for memories sake....I will have lots to fill the pages....Disney, birthdays, graduations...and just my happy life. I am soooooo soooooo blessed, and it's important to remember these things. Smiles from Momma O !

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