I have been greatly blessed once again. I am daily given so many wonderful things from my Father in Heaven. I truly believe that. The past two days have been Heaven sent. I did my service at the Temple, and well, I can't say enough of how that lifts me above the mundane of the world. So many wonderful people to work with and to serve....I love being at the Temple.
This weekend was also Stake Conference, and it was tremendous. I attended last night for the adult meeting and the talks were so good. Here are some Jackie-lights from the talks
Chelsey Fraser....
such a sweet, and enthusiastic testimony of being called to serve her Heavenly Father in the mission field. ( she heads to Peru in a few months)
Sister Leavitt....
exclamation marks from our Heavenly Father...Sec128...yes Heavenly Father expresses exclamations...Book of Mormon our greatest protection and the means for saving souls
Barbara Walters story...keep it simple...three truths
1. We cannot tell by outward signs who will receive the Gospel
2. People do not need to be our best friends to share the gospel
3.We are successful when we open our mouths ( Costco and birds example)
D&C 124:12
Jonathan Fox ( how I love to listen to his gentle voice)
Concern for the life of your spirit....with these simple principles
-prepare yourself before the Sacrament ( repentance) pray for change in ourselves
-Sacrament Blessings...baptismal renewal,forgiveness,cleansing of the spirit
-worthiness allows us to be filled with the Holy Ghost
-between Sundays..now what....many distractions DC101:37
-don't let things of the world pull you away...strive to be close to Him daily
-create your own personal experiences with the Spirit
David Evans..
.Great things in history hinge on single events
What do I need to do to be receiving the joy of the Atonement
Come unto me all who are heavy laden.......
Elder Bennett ( newly called seventy)
loved this mans whole talk....so engaging
Mormon moments...prominence in many areas of the world
sharing gospel doesn't need to be difficult
Boston Marathon story...Hi elders.The gospel is true...5 miles of missionary work
Children doing dishes story...if you listen to what I say...child's expression...dad's two topics...
Deep gratitude for the gospel or kicking agst the pricks.
Unitarian coming to seminary DC 110:3-5
Sister Johnson
Fellowship some one each day that her daughter serves her mission
Share personally what the Atonement means to us.
Very sweet testimony
Elder Johnson ( seventy )
Collecting family stories...so valuable...spirit of Elijah
What lessons have you learned from your mother ( Be Kind to one another)
the glad game
What would you tell a future grandchild
*The key to success is under the alarm clock
why do grandchildren and grand parents get along so well.....they have a common enemy
welding links and powers that bind us.....THE TEMPLE
Families are eternal
That is Saturday night...and I know my notes are sketchy but they are prompts to my memory
Sister Robinson
Gratitude...pass along at the door....giving her best gift
story of grandson and the missing check...prayers are answered
Gratitude is uplifting
sweet testimony of the Temple
Pres.Robinson ( one of God's gentle giants)
You are welcome at he Temple
Story of the young man and the wealthy father...on building a house
Our Heavenly Father also wants us to build our homes
Matt 24:25
DC 124 foundation is the gospel of Jesus Christ
DC 109:8...establish a house of....
Ask for strength to help bear our burdens...not remove them
Joel Glanfield
Reading the Book of Mormon with a specific question
Grace....help and strength
Story of his 11 year wait for a child.....extremely touching...
11 years binding himself to the Lord...reactions to comments
taught him not to react because he doesn't fully understand
Patience to have patience
Intense love for his daughter Niki...her special needs story
Gods grace is evident daily ( King Benjamin's speech)
Be not discouraged...HE WANTS TO HELP US.....not always after all we can do...sometimes before, and during all we can do.
Covenant relationship unlocks the Atonement for us...
1.Pay a full tithe
2. Regular Temple worship
both very important.
Savior is divine healer and divine helper.
David Evans ( couldn't hear all of talk...techno problems)
Witness....he lives...Jesus is the Christ
Loving our children despite the choices that they make
Heavenly Father lets the sun shine on the wicked and the good.
PATIENCE...there's that word again
Enabling power of the Atonement
many struggle with testimony
Children have right to be brought up by committed parents
I am a child of God.....before it grows tooo late...
Call to senior couples
Elder Bennett
Sister Tustin in the mission field...influences we just don't realize
Bay of Fundy tides
Dikes in Amsterdam....micro cosmic of our lives....in the world but not of the world
world shifting and we hang on to the dikes
Dare to be different by being the same...consistency
Ebb and flow....dike is the gospel of Jesus Christ...standard very clear.
Jacob 2:18
Ebb and flow of sin....life of despair
Alma 36:16
Elder Johnson
Stories of tremendous courage
Daniel Inaway...one armed senator, medal of honor...uncommon valor and tremendous courage...war story from lines in Italy....why would a person do this.
why do people choose to be heroic
willing to lay down their lives
courage in the scriptures.....mothers of the stripling warriors
Mormon and Moroni at end of book
great iniquity of the people...no spirit...Mormon visited of the Lord because he was living a righteous life...what was sister Mormon doing to raise moronic
Let us labor diligently...do our duty and we will be blessed
Mormon knew what was coming...but he was steadfast
continue to keep our covenants
Greatest story of courage...Savior....walking in the Garden of Gethsemane
Hope that you've had a great weekend.
All for now