Friday, September 28, 2012

Remembering to Remember

Hi Me and whoever else might read this.....I'm never sure how to begin my post. I usually feel like I owe my blog an apology for  neglecting it. I am sorry...I do neglect this and I really don't do it intentionally. One of my most persistent wishes these days is to be more organized, in all aspects of my life...but it just doesnt seem to be happening enough. ( except when Karen comes and does her magic)

So...I often was heard to whisper that I could hardly wait for September this year when all the stress and drama facing our family would be done. That's a laugh...because September is here ( almost gone) and while stresses of a move ( Kathy and Jeff) and a wedding ( Laura and Jeremy) are both behind us.....other stresses were waiting in line.( nothing quite as dramatic though) It has been quite the year....what a year indeedy.....and I haven't here goes.

January....we were certainly enjoying our sweet little Olivia. Our Christmas gift and oh such a happy baby. All of her cousins adore her and she is such a delightful addition to our family. She's now nine months old and cuter than cute.She is always smiling. She loves to roll everywhere, although last night she did demonstrate some cool crawling !! Karen and Brandon are awesome parents....she's one blessed little girl.

Hi....this is my cool Mommy

I might look silly but I do love this photo
Despite the smiles of Olivia, January had some sad days too as we began a journey of change for Kathy and Jeff. Jeff left for six months in Regina and the beginning of his RCMP career. Six hard months of training for him...and six months of separation from his family. YES...SIX months ( I have a whole new appreciation for careers that send spouses from their family) This also was the beginnings of a tough time for Kathy as she managed her home and five kiddies on her own. It was also the completion of major home renovations..which Kathy and many friends completed during that six month time. The end results were spectacular....Jeff graduated in July and Kathy sold the house the same month...and we know what came next....I tear up still reflecting on this major move within our family. January to July saw lots of sleepovers, playgrounds,family dinners, birthdays....and so much more....

February...birthday(mine)and more sleepovers.....

Me and 5 of my 6 girls....where were you Olivia

My big boys

A winter outing with my big girls

Precious sleepovers

Author note....I'm still having some challenge with the writing on this blog....stay be continued



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