Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's another day...hoooray!!

Well yesterday is gone, and so is my mood. I feel that I need to give some positive vibes and today I had a few.( I did yesterday too...but the dark side shadowed them) I did regret the late bedtime, but when the eyes opened at 6:45 I jumped up, grabbed my swim gear and headed to the pool.( I did pray too) My friend Natalie, my water running buddy, wasnt there so I dove in and ohhhhhhhhhhh it felt so good. I swam for awhile, then did some running. Natalie arrived later, then noodle man arrived and snorkle lady. The pool is hosting the Canadian National water Polo championships so there will not be much member swimming available for the next three days.:(

I came home and got some laundry going, garbage out, tidy the laundry room, cleaned another bathroom and then made a TO DO LIST...I know that was a bit backward!! It felt good to check off a few things right away !! Keah and I then headed to the NICU, and visted with the girls for awhile. Both got great reports, and they were anxiously awaiting a visit from the opthomology people. I couldn't imagine checking those wee little eyes. The nurse put drops in their eyes and when she described how they clamp open their eyes...Keah said time to head home for a pump and lunch!! Both girls were all done when we returned after lunch and they were no worse for the ordeal....and the report was good!

I had meetings today for Relief Society so I left the hospital early. I also have my cousin Donna in town and I wanted to have a visit with her. Visit and meeting over, I headed back to the hospital to collect Keah. After supper, and another pump...Bill took Keah back to tuck the girls in and have their prayers with their Momma...I stayed home and baked ginger cookies.
So that was today and I'm quite ready to head to bed early.

My final thought...God hears prayers..I know it and I see it daily in my life...and I am so grateful for this.


  1. This is the mom we love to hear from! Glad you were able to have a productive and good day... sometimes to do lists are the best things to keep a person on track and feeling good. I know they help me! Glad to hear about all the positive today... sometimes it's just good to vent!

  2. We all have bad days Jackie. Don't worry, you impress me with all you do in day, I try not to do that much. :-) I should be more like you
